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I study rivers and the ways they transport sediment to understand flood hazard in the Pacific Northwest. I use data analysis, remote sensing and models to investigate how rivers are changing in shape and hydrologic regime.
Ahrendt, S., Blom A., Van Denderen, R. P., Schielen, R. M. J., Horner-Devine, A. R., (in review) Geometric floodplain controls on riverbed elevation change within and between flood events
Ahrendt, S., Horner-Devine, A. R., Collins, B., Morgan, J., Istanbulluoglu, E., (2022) Channel Conveyance variability can influence flood risk as much as streamflow variaibility in western Washington State, Water Resources Research.
Morgan, J. A., Kumar, N., Horner-Devine, A. R., Ahrendt, S., Istanbullouglu,
E., Bandargoda, C., (2020), Simulating large-scale and long-term fluvial morphodynamics: The efficacy of using a morphological acceleration factor. Geomorphology, 356, p. 107088,
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Blom, A., VanDenderen, R. P., Schielen, R. M. J., Horner-Devine, A. R., "The influence of floodplain geometry on riverbed elevation change within and between floods." Poster Presentation at the Netherlands Centre for River Studies, NCR-Days Conference (April 2022) Delft, The Netherlands
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Horner-Devine, A., Kumar, N., Morgan, J. A., Collins, B., Istanbulluoglu, E. “Understanding Morphologic Flood Risk Relevant to River Management in Western Washington State” Oral Presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting (Dec, 2020) Online
AGU 2020 Virtual Presentation
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Horner-Devine, Kumar, N., A., Morgan, J. A., Collins, B., Istanbulluoglu, E. “River Morphology and Flood Risk in the Pacific Northwest” Oral Presentation at the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System: Summer Science Series (July, 2020) Online
CSDMS Summer Series 2020, Virtual Presentation
Ahrendt, S., (Presenter) A. Horner-Devine, N. Kumar, J. Morgan, B. Collins, E. Istanbulluoglu, C. Bandargoda, A. Pfeiffer, "How is channel capacity connected to flood risk in high sediment supply mountain basins?" Oral presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Conference (Dec, 2019) San Francisco, CA
Ahrendt, S., (Presenter) Morgan, J. A., Horner-Devine, A., Kumar, N., Keck, J., Duan, Z., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bandaragoda, C., Collins, B., Pfeiffer, A., "A mountain-to-coast hydrogeomorphic modeling framework for flood risk prediction" Poster Presentation at the Comminty Surface Dynamics Modeling System Meeting (May, 2019) Boulder, CO
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Istanbulluoglu, E., Horner-Devine, A., Mauger, G., Bandaragoda, C., Collins, B., Lundquist, J., Montgomery, D., Kumar, N., Shean, D., Pfeiffer, A., Morgan, J. A., Duan Z., Riedel, J., Kennard P., Anderson, S., Jaeger, K., Whorton E., "Integrated Modeling of HydroGeomorphic Hazards (MoHGeoH): Floods, landslides and sediment" Poster Presentation at the National Science Foundation PREEVENTS PI Meeting (Sept, 2018) Washington D.C.
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Abrams, D. "A Head-Specified Model; Concept Proof and Application in the Mahomet Aquifer", Presentation at the Mahomet Aquifer Consortium Meeting (July, 2018) Urbana, IL
Abrams, D. (Presenter), Ahrendt, S., Hadley, D. "Moving toward a real-time model of groundwater/surface water interactions in two heavily irrigated systems" Presentation at the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (Jun, 2018)
Ahrendt, S. (Presenter), Jacobel, Christianson, Steig, Porter (2016). "A New Digital Elevation Model for Hercules Dome, Antarctica from CryoSat-2 Altimetry – Toward Site Selection for the Next Antarctic Deep Ice Core." Poster presentation at the American Geophysical Union Fall Conference (Dec, 2016).
Field Notes
Observing Sediment Transport Processes in Northern Minnesota:
Field Exercise for Hillslope Geomorphology with Dr. Alison Duvall
Map of Study Sites: Magnetic Rock Trail, MN